Create all in one online business presence.
At OnMap, business owners can create a full detailed profile about their business, post services ads, receive leads and customer reviews.
So, you don’t need to join multi websites to do the following:
- Create a detailed profile with logos and photo cover.
- Add social media and website links.
- Upload company brochure or presentation.
- Unique QR code.
- Track profile statistics.
- Collect leads for free.
- Accept Reviews with Photos.
- Private Chat with customers.
- Post blog articles.
- Post classifieds ads.
- Create photos albums.
- Promote events.
- Add real estate posts.
- Hire a new team by posting jobs ads.
- Post coupons, videos, soundtracks.
In other words, your profile is a prominent landing page, BIO link page, Blogging page, content post page, and services show ads.
Get the OnMap Lifetime Deal today!