Built by VCs and serial entrepreneurs, Angels Partners disrupts online fundraising for startups. More

Built by VCs and serial entrepreneurs, Angels Partners disrupts online fundraising for startups.

We help thousands of founders raise smart money fast with angel investors, VCs and Family Offices. Angels Partner is the largest entrepreneur-investor networking platform!

Investors Database

Browse our database of 25,000 business angels, 51,000 VC funds and family offices, fund-of-funds, PE firms and so much more!

View previous deals, and filter by deal size, industry, location, and more. Become more efficient in your search.

Online Community

Where great founders meet relevant investors. We built a community of hundreds of investors actively prospecting & investing directly on Angels Partners.

Submit your profile for review and become visible to a large community of investors on our platform.

Angels Partners host a vivid community of hundreds of prospecting investors, always searching for fresh new opportunities before anyone else.

In addition, with over 70K listed investors in our database, you can shortlist and contact the right investors for you thanks to our filters.

Get the Angels Partners Lifetime Deal today!
