Create stunning living photos that make your stories come alive with a subtle hint of motion that captivates your audience. More

Unfortunately, without the right tool, a cinemagraph is difficult to create and it could take days to make just one.

It requires both technical and graphic design expertise.

This is why we are extremely excited to be able to tell you that there is now brand new, revolutionary Easy Cinemagraphs Creator software, which makes cinemagraph creation super-easy and fast.

Create stunning living photos that make your stories come alive with a subtle hint of motion that captivates your audience.

Captivate, Engage, Convert

Transforms “Invisible” Posts & Ads Into An Attention Grabbing Monsters

Almost Impossible To Ignore

Cinemagraphs are almost impossible to ignore & easy to digest

Fun To Share & Like

Cinemagraphs are fun to share & like, social media is exploding with cinemagraphs that go viral
