Resound is the AI podcast editor that automates podcast editing so creators can get their time back. More

Editing every um, ah, and mistake out of your podcast shouldn’t take hours and hours, but it does.

Resound is the AI podcast editor that automates podcast editing so creators can get their time back.

Built by the same professional Audio Engineers behind Culpable and 15 other #1 podcasts, Resound is built to empower, not replace.

Automatically edit your podcast in minutes

Automatically detect filler sounds (ums and ahs) using machine learning models trained specifically for podcast editing. Resound makes the suggestions, and you make decisions. Review each edit one-by-one or cut all edits in one click.

Automatically detect long and boring silences. Fine-tune the pace of your show to keep listeners engaged and cut out awkwardly long pauses in your audio.

Make your own edits with a right-click and drag. Trim audio as you see fit to cut out bloopers, boring segments, and guest-requested edits.

Mix and master audio in one click with Enhance. Remove background noise, adjust the levels, equalize, and master your audio to digital streaming standards.

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