Ligna is a complete sales and marketing platform with every feature you need to close clients, manage content, oversee projects, and track every detail. More

You’ve probably had to bolt together tons of tools to fit your business and marketing needs, only to end up with a hot mess. (“I guess Frankenstein wasn’t the best example to follow.”)

And even after piecing together a system that actually works, you’re either not ready to scale or you’re still stuck paying for other services like email and CMS.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a single platform that had all the tools you needed, plus automated your operations to make them more efficient and easier to track?

Meet Ligna

Ligna is a complete sales and marketing platform with every feature you need to close clients, manage content, oversee projects, and track every detail.

Consolidate and scale all your sales and marketing efforts

Following leads and closing new clients is at the heart of your business, which is why Ligna lets you add an unlimited number of accounts for endless growth possibilities.

The sales and marketing stack allows you to automate follow-up using email, voicemail, SMS, call-forwarding campaigns, and social channels to engage your audience.

You can even generate email templates and track all of your outreach in easy-to-follow timelines, ensuring that you’re following up on every lead.

You’ll be able to easily build and create new sites, import existing sites, and even build site templates for your team to use over and over again.

Ligna’s dashboard lets you create and assign an unlimited number of tasks and subtasks for both your internal and external stakeholders.

Get lifetime access to Ligna today!
