Create and customise beautiful voice recorders for your website, emails, social channels or to access via QR codes. Let your visitors talk to you and share ideas quickly and naturally. More

We all talk, and listening is more important than ever to understand and win customers. So make it easy and add telbee voice messaging to your website, social media, and email.

No more frustration with queues, forms and bots. Visitors simply say what they want 24/7 and get on with their day.

You listen when it’s convenient – or read transcribed if you prefer – and reply by voice, naturally and faster than typing. On desktop and mobile, app-free.

Build real relationships

Listen to your customers through any channel

Our voice messenger service lets you engage your customers by voice and build lasting relationships by enabling voice messaging on your website, social media, and even offline via the simple scan of a QR code.

Listen around the world

Our voice recording buttons and pages are fully customisable, so you can translate your customers’ voice notes into any language.

Listen and reply on the move 

telbee lets you listen and reply to voice notes on the go.Coming soon! Native apps for Android and iOS.

Listen or read

Listen to voice notes to hear the full mood and subtext of what’s being said, and convert these voice messages to text either automatically or on-demand for easier processing. 

Talk securely 

All voice messages are transferred over HTTPS and are encrypted, so you can rest assured that your customer communications are safe and secure. 

Listen in the way that people want to be heard

Run campaigns 

Create channels for any purpose and receive all your voice notes in one shared voice inbox designed for teams.

Apply your branding 

Customise your voice channels with your colour schemes, logos, avatars, text and styling to reflect your brand and the way you’re using telbee.

Capture information 

Capture optional or required contact information (such as names, emails or phone numbers), or skip altogether for gathering anonymous feedback.

Take it further

Include links, articles, videos, documents and Calls To Action in your voice note replies so you can explain by voice the next steps you need your customers to take, and then give your customers the resources they need to follow through easily.

Easy management

Add your team 

Invite your team members in seconds to help manage your inbox and collaborate – whether they’re at their desks or on the move.

​Assign permissions

Decide which team members can manage channels and users, and reassign and delete conversations if needed.

Keep on top of communications 

Easily review your whole organisation’s communication history and get the insights that only listening to people speak can provide.

So if you’re serious about engaging your customers, give them a voice. When they hear you care, they will too! 
