We all collect something, whether it’s stamps, movies, games, music, books, or wine.
Librarian Pro brings sophistication and class to managing your collection! Browse all of your items at a glance on a virtual bookshelf, in a list, or cover flow.
Item artwork and information are easily and automatically downloaded from the web.
Even track which items you have lent out to friends or, for small businesses, go as far as recording late fees and due dates.
View a summary of all items in your library to compare prices & more
Integrates with numerous web sites to automatically download item information
Create an unlimited number of separate databases
Automatically sort items by specific criteria
Track item lending & charge late fees
Export to the web & a variety of other formats
Import from text, CSV, iTunes, ‘pedias, Delicious Library & more!
View as a list, as a bookshelf, or in cover flow mode
Easily isolate & display duplicate items
Fill in countless details about items ranging from tracks on an album to the illustrator for a book
Record detailed purchase & sale information for items, such as purchase location, price, original value, used value, item URL, and more
Write internal reviews
Use your webcam or physical barcode scanner to add items or update inventory
One database works on both Mac & PC
Track lent out items in macOS’ Calendar app & send reminder e-mails or display alerts
Auto-complete helps speed data entry by remembering entires for other items. Librarian Pro is your complete personal inventory system!
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