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Testimonial Slider

Last update 1 year ago

Testimonial slider and showcase for wordpress

About Testimonial Slider

Testimonial Slider and Showcase for WordPress

Best Testimonial Slider and Showcase plugin for WordPress website. Testimonials Slider plugin is the most customizable and developer-friendly.

WordPress Testimonial Slider & Showcase is a fully Responsive & Mobile friendly plugin to display your client’s testimonials in Grid, Carousel Slider and Isotope View.

It is fast and easy to generate grid from the admin end and insert into the page/post. You can Display testimonials by any category(s) also Order posts by Id, Title, Created date, RANDOM and Menu order.

Advance Filter by Query Post

You can filter by category(s), tag, by post ID also exclude by post ID. Set order by ID, name, post date, random and menu order.

4 Types of Pagination

Normal number pagination, Ajax number pagination, load more and load on scrolling. You can control the number of loads per click.

Device wise Grid Control

You can control how many items you want to show per row in the desktop, tab or in mobile view.

Front End Submission

You can enable font end testimonial submission option, so your custom can post testimonials from front end. The form has a Google re-captcha to protect spam.

Front End Fields control

You can control which fields you want in the front end form. Enable which fields you want and disable others.

Fields Control

You can control which fields you want to show in the front end view. Enable that field and disable others.

Shortcode Generator

You can generate unlimited shortcode from the shortcode generator. Then call the shortcode in the page or post where you want to display the testimonials.

Colors and font size control

You can control all font colors, font size, font weight and font alignment from shrotcode generator.

Youtube and Vimeo video support

You can add your video testimonial; this plugin supports both Youtube and Vimeo videos.

Get the Testimonial Slider Lifetime Deal today!

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