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    Last update 1 year ago

    Create amazing websites with professional themes

    About ThemeLooks

    We Make Awesome Things For You

    Our main motto is to design and develop the best themes and templates at an affordable price. Help to get customers’ business going with these professional themes and templates.


    Wireframe contains the functional elements of your website or page. For enhancing your site’s structure and functionality to a great extent wireframing is a must. It’ll be displaying the functional elements of your site through images.

    Visual/UI Design

    Visual/UI Design makes the product interactive to your audience by implementing text, colors, and images. None can’t avoid its importance if they want to make their site attractive and convert the audience to have a look.

    Front End Design

    The thing that matters the most is the Front End Design of your site. By combining the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery code make up the user interface. Especially, themes and templates won’t be attractive without a proper Front End Design.

    Back End Development

    Backend development, a part and parcel of any site or page; focuses on server-side’s databases, backend logic, and APIs. Backend developing integrates the work of the front-end developers.

    The users aren’t able to see what’s going on in the backend but without it, the command won’t work at the front end.

    Get the ThemeLooks Lifetime Deal today!

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